Thank you for your prayers and generous offering to the Justice and Peace Commission. In 2024 our Justice & Peace collection raised £16,793 with an additional £1,373 from Gift Aid and £1,665 in interest, bringing total income to £19,831. In 2024 our total (draft) expenditure was £34,953 with £10,300 as our Diocesan pro-rata contribution to the National J&P work and £24,653 for the Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency. So, our costs in 2024 were £15,122 (76%) higher than our income. This collection helps fund our Scottish Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, our Marriage Tribunal and our Catholic Parliamentary Office. Our Justice & Peace Commission campaigns against renewal of Trident, for fairness for asylum seekers and refugees and for action against climate change and for the environment. It also networks with parishes and advises our Bishops on social justice, international peace and human rights. Our national Marriage Tribunal processes cases for annulment and supports two staff. Our Parliamentary Office works with MSPs, MPs and the wider political society to promote the influence of Catholic Social Teaching on our law and supports one officer.