Paisley Diocesan Mass for the Opening of the Process of the Synod of Bishops 2023
Sunday,October31,2021,12:00 PM
Following Pope Francis’ Solemn Mass in Rome to Open the Process towards the Synod on Synodality, and, to inaugurate the process at our local Diocesan level Bishop John invites you to the celebration of Holy Mass in St. Mirin’s Cathedral on Sunday 31 October at 12 noon. The Synodal process is a journey of the whole Church, listening to the Holy Spirit in every baptized voice in the Church’s family. Our Mass will have an opening session, time for reflection, liturgical prayers and the celebration of the Eucharist and will inaugurate in our Diocese a consultation with the People of God which will conclude in our Diocesan pre-Synodal Gathering around March 2022.