Our pilgrimage returns this summer. In s3-s6? Do you wish to serve others? Learn more about your faith? Meet other young people? If so, then Youth to Lourdes could be for you. This year the pilgrimage will leave Scotland on Thursday 29th June 2023. We will arrive in Lourdes on Friday 30th June. We will arrive back in Scotland on Friday 7th July 2023. The pilgrimage costs £650but if you pay your deposit by or on Sunday 11th September 8th you’ll qualify for a discounted price of £625. The deposit is £60 #earlybird. Want to know more? Contact Fr. John Morrison tel: 01418895056 or email [email protected] or follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Our first group meeting/information is in Paisley Diocesan Offices on Sunday 11th September at 2pm.