Pastoral care of those suffering the bereavement of separation, divorce or widowhood.
More information at:
Scotland (
Act now and ask your MP to oppose introducing assisted suicide
Right To Life UK have set up and easy to use tool which will enable you to email your MP asking them to make it clear to the Government that it should not give into demands from the assisted suicide lobby to reconsider the legalisation of assisted suicide. It only takes 30 seconds to email your MP by visiting the link:
Daniel Turner, Right To Life UK +44 (0) 1732 460911 [email protected]
A cross-party group of MPs from the three largest parties in the UK Parliament have come together to bring forward the Abortion (Cleft lip, cleft palate and club foot) Bill. The Bill will change the law to clarify that cleft palate, cleft lip and club foot are not grounds for abortion in the UK.
Can you help with getting your MP to support the Bill? Please visit STAND UP AND SMILE CAMPAIGN to email your MP asking them to support the Bill. It only takes 30 seconds.”
Catherine Robinson, Right To Life UK :
+44 (0) 1732 460911 [email protected]
Pregnant? Worried? Scared?
Wondering what to do?
We offer practical, emotional
and spiritual support,
during and after your pregnancy,
without judgement.
More details on our website:
Every year hundreds of churches across Britain take part in the SPUC White Flower Appeal, making it one of our largest and most important educational and fundraising events of the year. SPUC supporters come from many backgrounds and walks of life.
The success of the White Flower Appeal is founded on the compassion and generosity of faithful churchgoers in parishes across the UK. SPUC is grateful for the unapologetic defence of unborn babies and vulnerable people that the teaching of the Catholic Church provides.
If you would like to sponsor a virtual flower, please visit or call SPUC Scotland (0141 221 2094) to make a donation. John Deighan CEO SPUC Scotland
People often ask why our annual appeal is called the “White Flower Appeal”.
The name was originally inspired by the work of the Weiße Rose (White Rose) movement, a non-violent, intellectual resistance to the Nazis in Germany at the height of the Second World War. They became known for an anonymous leafleting and graffiti campaign that lasted 8 months between 1942 and 1943.
In February 1943 Hans and Sophie Scholl, two of the group's core active members, were caught and arrested. Following interrogation, they were tried by the Gestapo and beheaded along with four others. The Weiße Rose and Sophie Scholl have been the subject of a number of films retelling the story of their bravery to new generations.
The White Rose still serves as an example to us
of what can be achieved by standing up for what is right.
SPUC Pro-Life Scotland Ltd (known as SPUC Scotland) is a Scottish Charity, SC050567 and a company limited by guarantee, SC446258
St. Joachim & St. Anne
Parents of Our Blessed Lady
Feast Day – 26th July
“Grandparents are the uniting link between generations
to transmit to the young the experience of life and faith.”
Pope Francis
There are numerous resources - including catechetical material and a message from Pope Francis about care for the elderly and grandparents - to be found at the website below:
Resources are also available at
The Catholic Grandparents Association is a global organization of the faithful. An integral part of the Catholic Grandparents Association is establishing and working with Grandparents ministries at diocesan and parish level. These act as prayer and support groups for Grandparents. Grandparents have a unique vocation that must be fostered and cherished in the spirit of St. Joachim and St. Anne, the Grandparents of Jesus and parents of Mary.
If you are unable to locate a Ministry in your area and are interested in starting a new Ministry, please email us at [email protected] or phone us at 01328 560 333 (UK)
Mary Wilkinson/Administrator. FiOP—a Registered Charity
in Scotland SC038225; [email protected]
21a Grosvenor Crescent EDINBURGH EH12 5EL
For more information about FiOP, please click on the following link:
We pride ourselves on being a specialised adoption service and encourage you to take a look at our most recent inspection report at
*Have you ever considered adoption?
*Could you give a loving, stable home to a child who has suffered
abuse or trauma?
*Do you have what it takes to be a ‘Therapeutic Parent’?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please visit our website at
for more information
or call 0141 332 8371 and speak to our duty worker
or e-mail [email protected].
Supporting our clergy, serving in our parishes, helping the needy and developing our personal and family faith with like-minded men. And much more...
Does that sound like you? If you are a man aged 16 or over the Knights of St Columba could be your answer.
Province 1 of the KSC is recruiting in the Diocese NOW.
For more information on how to join Britain’s largest Catholic laymen's organisation, phone John O’Donnell on 07854 886425 or email: [email protected]
You may already be aware that there are asylum seekers and Ukrainians staying in hotels in Paisley and you might be interested in connecting with them. Faith groups can play a big part in supporting those who seek asylum in Scotland. Just being open and welcoming is in itself a huge gift. Some groups will also develop other initiatives or offer support to existing ones.
For information about what is already going on in Paisley and to discuss what else might be possible do not hesitate to get in touch. Mobile: 0796 365 1097 - Isobel from Faith in Community Scotland.
For your information, we offer small grants to help with costs of any initiatives no matter how small.
Glasgow West End
More information on Street Pastors in Scotland is available at
The Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart
Its members are commonly called Pioneers. While the PTAA does not advocate prohibition, it does require of its members complete abstinence from alcoholic drink. It also encourages devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as an aid to resisting the temptation of alcohol. Pioneers wear a lapel pin called
a Pioneer pin with an image of the Sacred Heart, both to advertise the organisation and to alert others not to offer them alcohol. The association publishes a monthly magazine, The Pioneer.
Invite you to take part in a short-term pledge for Lent.
Information is available in St. Cadoc's Church on the table beside the hymn books.