At the start of the Covid pandemic, the Diocese of Paisley set up online giving with PAYA Charity to allow Parishioners to donate to their Parishes while unable to attend Mass in person. Since PAYA Charity no longer provide the same level of service, we have moved to Charities Trust. You can find the new links at
The most efficient way to donate on a regular basis to your Parish is by using standing orders, which can be set up using a form or using online banking. The Charities Trust however is a useful additional way of giving to your Parish and allows visitors to Parishes to make one-off donations.
Note that the existing QR codes and weblinks to PAYA Charity still work (although we do not have the weblink on the Diocesan website). We will keep these accounts open for now, with a view to closing them in the near future. We will be contacting donors by email to inform them of the change and to explain how to cancel any recurring donations they may have set up with PAYA Charity.