“Our recent activities include providing financial support to three twinned parishes in India and South Africa. We have also made significant financial contributions to St Vincent's Hospice, Jericho House, which is an SSVP project giving help to those experiencing addiction issues, SSVP Furniture Project, and SSVP Homeless Kitchen( Our Lady of the Wayside). We have also helped local families experiencing difficulty due to the cost of living crisis. We visit local nursing homes, and also parishioners in their own homes. In December we provided a Christmas Lunch for our parishioners. None of these activities would be possible without your continued generosity. At this time of year we wanted to convey our sincere thanks to everyone who has donated to St Cadoc's SSVP. We are extremely grateful and appreciative of all your help. With sincere thanks, SSVP Team. If you would you like to join our SSVP, please speak with Canon Eddie or a member after Mass; or phone 07561 640489.