Following the sad closure of Traidcraft, We Are Fair Trade Ltd have stepped into the gap with our exciting, new, online, fair trade store. We are staffed by a group of former Traidcraft employees who don't want to see their pioneering work come to nothing. We are operating entirely separately from the Traidcraft Foundation and Transform Trade but, we share the vision and passion that drove Traidcraft's original founders. Our vision is to support growers and producers, in the Global South as well as those who provide the supply chain that makes their goods available in the UK. We believe the best way to help them is to provide the biggest, friendliest and most efficient shop window for Fair Trade goods that we possibly can. Trade justice is a huge mission and we are excited to be playing our part in such a noble cause. Of course, it is far too big a task to accomplish on our own, which is why we are hoping you will join with us. Every fairly traded product you buy helps pay for the next crop or the next production run. Every time you talk about Fair Trade, there is a chance that someone new will join the quest to make trade fairer for everyone. If enough of us take these simple steps, we could make a tangible difference to the well-being and future prospects of thousands of growers, producers and artisans in the Global South. If you would like to stay up to date with what we are doing, you can visit our brand new website at: We already have a lot of stock and we are adding more lines all the time. You will also find more information about who we are and what we are doing there.