There will be a Fun Family Quiz Night in St Charles’ Church hall, Paisley, on Friday, 3rd February at 7.30pm. Entry costs £2.00 each - kids go free! Bring your own snacks and drinks. Proceeds will go to NET Ministry Scotland and Ukraine. Donations of raffle prizes will be gratefully received.
SAFEGUARDING TRAINING – Church Volunteers There will be a PART ONE training session taking place on: Tuesday 17th January 2023 at 7pm in the Diocesan Offices. As part of the safe recruitment procedures for the Catholic Church in Scotland, new volunteers undertaking regulated work should complete an application form for their role, apply to become a member of the PVG scheme and attend Safeguarding Part One Training. If you would like to attend this training sessions please contact SarahJane Colhoun on 0141 847 6138 or [email protected] ***Please note that the Safeguarding Part Two training in February 2023 has been cancelled due to changes/updates taking place in Safeguarding training.
Friday 27th January beginning PROMPTLY at 7.30pm. Donation of £15 includes a two-course dinner and an evening of fun and dancing to Ceilidh music. TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE AFTER MASS AS YOU LEAVE CHURCH AND IN THE HALL. This is the first major social event from our recently formed Social Committee, please give them your full support. Bring your own bottle – Cheers!
The Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.” Pope Francis