This Sunday (23rd June) will be the last session of Children's Liturgy for the current academic year. The new session will commence in early September once the schools have returned. Our sincere thanks must go to the Children's Liturgy leaders, and senior pupils from St. Ninian's High School, for the help, support and spiritual guidance which they have given to the children over the past year. Thank you also to the parents/carers of the children who attend, for their support and co-operation throughout the year. As always, the Children's Liturgy Group are looking for volunteers/leaders to assist with this very important ministry, when it resumes in September. If you are interested, or wish you find out further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Children's Liturgy Co-ordinator, Catherine Senior (email: [email protected] or mobile: 07555 094304). Thank you.
Next Sunday (23rd June) will be the last session of Children's Liturgy for the current academic year. The new session will commence in early September once the schools have returned. Our sincere thanks must go to the Children's Liturgy leaders, and senior pupils from St. Ninian's High School, for the help, support and spiritual guidance which they have given to the children over the past year. Thank you also to the parents/carers of the children who attend, for their support and co-operation throughout the year. As always, the Children's Liturgy Group are looking for volunteers/leaders to assist with this very important ministry, when it resumes in September. If you are interested, or wish you find out further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Children's Liturgy Co-ordinator, Catherine Senior (email: [email protected] or mobile: 07555 094304). Thank you.
Next Sunday (23rd June) is our Family Fun Day and Barbecue. The event kicks off at 2.30pm. Tickets are on sale at all Masses this weekend and will also be available ‘at the gate’ on the day. Donations of home-baking will be gratefully received and should be handed into the Pastoral & Social Centre from 9.30am on the Sunday morning. In addition, we are also looking for donations for our raffle. Many thanks in anticipation of your very kind donations! If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine Senior: (email: [email protected] or Mobile: 07555 094304). There will be a meeting of the Social Committee and the volunteers who have kindly offered their assistance at the Fun Day, this Thursday evening (21st June)@ 7pm in the Pastoral & Social Centre. The Committee are still looking for volunteers, so if you wish to assist please come along to the Meeting or contact Catherine Senior (Mobile: 07555 094304). Thank you
CHILDREN’S ROSARY in St. Cadoc’s Church at 6pm every second Friday. Next meeting: 16th February. For details, please contact Síle Hessett - 07882037314.
CHILDREN’S ROSARY in St. Cadoc’s Church at 6pm every second Friday. Next meeting: 2nd February. For details, please contact Síle Hessett - 07882037314.
CHILDREN’S ROSARY in St. Cadoc’s Church at 6pm every second Friday. Next meeting: 19th January. For details, please contact Síle Hessett - 07882037314.
“Our recent activities include providing financial support to three twinned parishes in India and South Africa. We have also made significant financial contributions to St Vincent's Hospice, Jericho House, which is an SSVP project giving help to those experiencing addiction issues, SSVP Furniture Project, and SSVP Homeless Kitchen( Our Lady of the Wayside). We have also helped local families experiencing difficulty due to the cost of living crisis. We visit local nursing homes, and also parishioners in their own homes. In December we provided a Christmas Lunch for our parishioners. None of these activities would be possible without your continued generosity. At this time of year we wanted to convey our sincere thanks to everyone who has donated to St Cadoc's SSVP. We are extremely grateful and appreciative of all your help. With sincere thanks, SSVP Team. If you would you like to join our SSVP, please speak with Canon Eddie or a member after Mass; or phone 07561 640489.
“We should like to convey our thanks for the support and generosity of the Parishioners who attend our weekly Tuesday coffee mornings. Since January 2023 until December 2023, you donated £4447.00 to this wonderful charity. We are very appreciative of all your help and support. With grateful thanks, Mary's Meals Team.” Coffee resumes on Tuesday 16th January.
DECEMBER 2023 Dear Church Members, ‘WOW!’ What a donation ‘you wonderful people’ gave to us to distribute to children in need. And what an amazing job that Catherine and her husband did delivering them, how they got all those parcels inside their car was amazing. The parcels were delivered to myself at 12. 30pm. And by 2.00pm. six 4x4s’ of Strathclyde 4x4 group were on the road delivering them, to the Hospital and Ronald McDonald House the respite center for children and their parents awaiting operations or post operations and the like. This year the donations have been very generous indeed, however what we have noticed so too has the increased demand for family support. I have like countless others been concerned about this for a fair while, but no it is very concerning on every front, and will definitely come to a head this Christmas and New Year period, for many families. Your donation has made an impact on this need! And I can only say thanks once more for your kindness and generosity. I will send more pictures as they come in, but I hope the ones I have sent keep you informed of what is being achieved. Yours in Faith. Rev. Neil Galbraith Glasgow Caring City Charity.
CHILDREN’A LITURGY & Glasgow the Caring City Charity: Annually, during the season of Advent, Children's Liturgy Group bring Christmas gifts for distribution to this charity which seeks to help children in crisis both at home and overseas. The gifts which the children bring are distributed by the charity to needy families in the West of Scotland, in time for Christmas. For some children, this may be the only present that they receive, and the charity are always extremely grateful for any gifts that are donated from our Parish. It is appreciated, especially at this time of year, that there are many demands placed upon your generosity. We invite all individuals/families in the Parish who can, to participate in this initiative. You are asked to bring a gift - suitable for a boy or girl (or both) aged between birth and sixteen years of age. The gift should be wrapped and a gift tag placed on the outside stating whether the gift is for a boy/girl or both and the age group the gift is suitable for. The gifts will be taken to the charity at the end of the 10am Mass on Sunday 10th December. Please place your gift in the box in the Church Hall by this date. If you require any further details, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine Senior (email: [email protected] or 07555-094304) for further information. Many thanks in anticipation of your support.
The children will be performing a short nativity play during the 10am Mass on Sunday 17th December 2023. All welcome! Following the Mass, everyone is invited into the Pastoral & Social Centre for festive fun and refreshments!!
Due to September weekend and October holidays, our next 2 Rosary dates will be Friday 29th September then Friday 27th October. We’ll return to normal schedule of every 2 weeks after these 2 dates. For details, please contact Síle Hessett - 07882037314.
The new session of Children's Liturgy will commence on Sunday 3rd September 2023 at the 10am Mass. Children in their pre-school years of nursery, up to and including children in Primary 4, are eligible to attend. As always at the start of the new session, we are looking for volunteers to assist with this special Ministry. If you are interested or wish to find out more about what's involved, please contact Catherine Senior, the Children's Liturgy Co-ordinator (Tel: 07555 094304 or by email: [email protected]), for further information. Please give serious consideration to this request as we are always searching for new leaders and it is a good way to be involved in our Parish community. It should be noted that anyone working with children in the Parish, must be a PVG scheme member, and it is also mandatory, that volunteers attend child protection training - however, this process can be easily arranged through the Parish/Diocese.
OZANAM CLUB– Special Works Conference of the SVP – Inviting new members to join fortnightly meetings (2nd & 4th Friday of each month) in St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall for fun and friendship. Suitable for 16 plus with disabilities.
Next Sunday (18th June) will be the last session of Children's Liturgy for the current school year. The new session will commence in mid/late August once the schools have returned. Our sincere thanks must go to the Children's Liturgy leaders, and senior pupils from St. Ninian's High School, for the help, support and spiritual guidance which they have given to the children. Thank you also to the parents/carers of the children who attend, for your support and co-operation throughout the year. As always, the Children's Liturgy Group is looking for volunteers/leaders to assist with this very important ministry, when it resumes in late August. If you are interested, or wish you find out further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Children's Liturgy Co-ordinator, Catherine Senior (email: [email protected] or mobile: 07555 094304).