Canon Edward D. Cameron (Parish Priest)
Chairperson | Paul Brown |
Vice-Chairperson | Anna Gallagher |
Secretary | Karen Cumming |
Treasurer and Finance Committee | Angus Cumming |
Moira Agnew | Gerry Collins | David Creighton |
Shona Devine | Christina Hamill | Margaret Harrison |
Flora Harvey | Roselyn Heffernan | Jo Mackie |
Erlinda Matheson | Lesley Mowatt | Lorraine Muir |
Bernadine Nordmann | Iain Paterson | Veronica Sheridan |
1. The council will be known as St. Cadoc’s Parish Pastoral Council
2. The purpose of the council will be:
a) To provide the opportunity whereby the laity, religious and clergy meet to share the responsibility of the whole parish life and of the whole community by:
(i) Discerning the needs of parish and community;
(ii) Co-ordinating activities of parish groups;
(iii) Endeavouring to involve the whole of the parish in the work of the Church in response to the present and future needs;
(iv) Being a means of fostering a sense of community in the parish;
(v) Being a vehicle for communication between the parish and diocesan
bodies including the diocesan pastoral council;
(vi) Planning, implementing and evaluating projects.
3. The council will consist of:
a) Ex-officio members, namely, the clergy and religious actively engaged in the
b) One representative from each of the groups/organisations actively engaged in the parish;
c) A number chosen by the Parish Priest because of particular expertise helpful to the council;
d) A number appointed by the council because of special talents or special needs.
e) Council members are appointed for one year, renewed annually.
4. Council procedure:
a) The council will meet at such time as the council from time to time appoints and at least once in every two months. (Third Wednesday)
b) Each council meeting will last for not more than two hours, unless the council decides on an extension of time. (7-9pm)
c) The council will elect from its members an executive committee (of, five members) for one year, renewed annually.
d) The committee’s duties will include arranging and chairing meetings; keeping minutes and records; receiving, ordering and distributing agenda items and reports; informing parishioners of the council’s activities; liaising with other bodies, where this is appropriate.
e) The council will cause minutes to be taken at each council meeting and will require these minutes to be confirmed at the subsequent meeting.
f) A report of council proceedings will be made to the parishioners as soon as practicable (e.g. through the website, the newsletter, the noticeboard.)
g) The council will have power to appoint committees at such times and for such purposes as it deems fit. The council will have the power to co-opt members other than the council members to serve on such committees and may delegate the power to co-opt to these committees.
h) A majority of members attending meetings would constitute a quorum.
5. Council members may, with the approval of the council be reimbursed from parish funds for any expenses incurred while on council business.
6. The Annual General Meeting:
a) An annual general meeting will be held in November each year and will be open for any parishioner wishing to attend as an observer.
(i) A full report from the parish council will be given at the Annual General Meeting;
(ii) It will consider any other matter for which not less than seven days’ notice has been given to the parishioners.
b) Parishioners wishing to have any matter considered at the annual general meeting will be required to submit such a matter in writing to the secretary of the council not less than twenty-one days before the annual general meeting.
c) Advance notice of the annual general meeting will be not less than 28 days and will be given in the parish newsletter, the website, from the pulpit, and on the noticeboard.
7. The Constitution of the council can be changed only at the annual general meeting with at least two-thirds of those present at the annual general meeting who are eligible to vote agree to such a change.